б/у Хроматографы HP-LC
Re: б/у Хроматографы HP-LC
Информация к размышлению из первых рук: это HPLC раздел рассылки месячной давности (оставшуюся часть списка присоединяю ниже):
---------- Пересылаемое письмо ----------
От: Grizzly Analytical <grizzly@calis.com>
Время создания: Fri, 23 Jan 2009 16:19:41 -0700
Тема: Seqs, synths, mass specs, MALDIs available
Agilent 1100 Series Nanoflow LC System for MS G2229A: $39,800
Agilent 1090M: $1000. Good working order.
Agilent 1100 G1364B fraction collector prep scale: $12,700
Agilent 1100 G1382A capillary pump: $15,600
Agilent 1100 Series G1315C diode-array detector SL: $12,200
Agilent 1100 Series G1364D micro fraction collector: $12,700
Agilent 1100 thermostatted micro well-plate sampler G1378A: $14,800
Agilent 1100 thermostatted micro autosampler G1387A: $14,800.00
Spark Holland 920: $3,400
Hitachi 7000 series HPLC: quaternary, variable detector, autosampler: $11,500, rebuilt w/ 90-day warr.
AKTA System Purifier 100: $23,000-$28,000, depending on configuration.
Pharmacia FPLC: $12,000. 90-day warranty.
Other HPLCs: HP/Aglient, Beckman, Waters, Gilson, Pharmacia, Waters systems from $9,500.
BioCad Vision: $35,000. 90-day warranty.
BioCAD Integral 100Q: $29,000.
BioCAD 60s and 700es w/ 90-day warr. available for: $15-22,000, depending on details.
Spectrophotometers: Agilent, Beckman, Milton Roy, Hitachi, Bio-Tek,: $3-8,000.
Molecular Devices FLIPR 3: $199,000. Installed, eligible for svc.
Molecular Devices FLIPR 1: $125,000. Installed, eligible for svc.
Luminex LX100. (simultaneous assay of multiple analytes): $29,000.
Glycoprep 1000. automated hydrazinolysis machine: $9,000; good working order.
Packard Topcount 12-detector 96 well microplate scintillation counter, $25,000.
Вeckman LS 6500 Scintillation System: call for details.
ABI 120 HPLC: $1,500.
Agilent 8453 Diode Array Spectrophotometers: $8,000-13,200, depending on accessories.
Analtech Cyclograph centrifugal chromatograph with a full quartz cover:
$3,500. Excellent condition.
ABI 877: have several; different configs, prices, none very expensive; call.
MD PhosphorImager Storm 860, $25,000.
MD FSI FluorImager: $15,000.
Stratagene Eagle Eye II Video System: $10,000.
Agilent 6850 GC w/ FID, PC (no monitor), Win 2000, chemstation Rev 9, 7683
auto injector (no tray), 90 days parts warranty: $12,500.
HP 5890 Series II GC: $13,000. FID. Fitted for dual column (1 packed
and 1 capillary). 7673B Tower with controller for autosampler. Chemstation Software.
HP 5890 GC: $6,500. Dual FID and two injectors for capillary columns. HP 3396 Integrator.
Varian 3400 GC: $6,500. Single ECD.
Kratos Profile GC: Free if you pay shipping. Needs some work.
**Service: We rebuild valve blocks for ABI 430, 431 and 39x @: $65/port, 90-day warranty.
Service and contracts on ABI 7700, 39n and PerSeptive 8909/8905s available.
Service contracts on Hewlett Packard HPLCs, GCs and MSs available at a
savings over HP rates For more info, visit our website.
**Also available:
Agilent 1100 HPLCs, virtually all configurations/detectors.
HPLCs, ICs, CEs, FPLCs: microbore to prep scale.
A variety of other lab instruments.
Call or check the website: http://www.grizzlyanalytical.com.
Please call or email for more information or if you have items to sell.
Michael Sherrell
Grizzly Analytical (USA)
707 887 2919/fax 707 887 9834
Начало списка:
Sequencers, synthesizers, mass specs, MALDIs, liquid handlers, cytometers etc. from Grizzly Analytical.
(We have a lot of unlisted items. If you don't see something here, please email or call.)
Expedite 8909: $12,500. Includes M.O.S.S, rebuilt w/ new ABI valves,
90-day warranty. + $3,500/trityl. ABI's successor to the 394.
Easily modified for micro-RNA.
ABI 394: $14,200. Rebuilt; 90-day warranty.
ABI 394: $19,900. Trityl, MAC, rebuilt: about as good as the new 3400.
Easily modified for micro-RNA.
ABI 392: $12,200. Rebuilt; 90-day warranty.
ABI 391: $11,750. Rebuilt; 90-day warranty.
ABI 3948: $25,000. Rebuilt/installed w/ 90-day warranty.
ABI 3948: $7,500. May be worth: $25K as ABI tradein on new 3900.
ABI 390Z: $11,000. Rebuilt/warranteed.
OligoPilot II: $16,900. Install, 90-day warranty incl.
PolyGen 10: $11,000. Excellent condition; latest/greatest software.
Beckman 1000M: $11,000. Excellent condition; guaranteed.
CyClone: $7,500. New-in-box; 90 day parts warranty. Similar to ABI 392.
Biosearch 8700: $10,000. Rebuilt; Phoenix upgrade (>35% efficiency gain),
90-day warr.
BioSearch 8750: $10,500. Rebuilt; Phoenix upgrade (>35% efficiency gain),
90-day warr.
MacConnell MiniPrep 48: $6,000. For DNA purification. Used once. 48
Specs: http://www.macconnell.com/specs_48.htm.
(ABI 3900: software for sequence loading, web interfacing available;
call for details.)
*High throughput synthesizers:
384-well synthesizer: $225,000. 10-20nM scale.
BLP 192: $125,000. 2 plates, 8 min. cycle time. New; incl. install +
1 yr. warr.
BLP 192: $88,000. Excellent condition. Install incl.
Polygen 10. Call if interested.
Mermade 12: $45,000. < 2 years old; transferrable warranty.
Mermade V: $125,000.
Mermade I: $30,000. 96-well. Installation included.
Mermade 192: $72,000. 192-well. Installation included.
Mermade 384: price not set yet. Call/email if interested. 2004 model;
was $284,000 new
ABI 3730xl: $95,000. Includes installation and warranty.
ABI 3730-48: $95,000. Includes installation and warranty.
ABI 3130xl: $75,000. Includes install, warranty.
ABI 3100 Hotrod: $95,000. Custom mods: POP7, software upgrade: 50%
faster than 3130. Install, warranty incl.; svc. contracts available.
ABI 3100: $60,000. Includes install.
ABI 3100 Avant: $45,000. Includes install.
3130, 3730 50% thruput increase: $10-20,000. XML script module.
No effect on ABI service contracts. Install included.
ABI 310: $15,750. Mac. Includes install; guar. eligible for service.
ABI 310 XP: $21,000. PC-based. Incl. install.
ABI 310 lasers: rebuilt; full warrantee; ~2/3 price of new;
install available. Call for info.
POP5, POP6, $590/230ml. Samples available.
ABI 3700: $1,000. Complete; was working on deinstall. Worth every penny.
ABI 377: $12,000. 96-lane; install incl., service contracts avail.
ABI 377 glass plages: free to a non-profit (you pay shipping).
ABI 377: $1,000. As-is; suitable for tradein.
ABI 377 service: $s depends Call/email for quotes; price depends on
ABI 373 stretch: $9,000. Big Dye upgrade.
ABI 377 lasers: rebuilt; full warranty; ~2/3 price of new; install
available. Call for info.
Beckman/Orchid SNPStream: call/email to discuss. Very high throughput
genotyping system; excellent condition.
Beckman CEQ 8000: $26,000. 2002 model. Good working order.
Beckman CEQ 8000: $39,000. Install, warranty incl.
Beckman CEQ 2000: $20,000 -- or best offer.
Qiagen Biorad MDX DNA prep robot: 2005; was $211,000 new. Call or email
if interested.
MegaBace 4000: $60,000. Not including arrays.
MegaBace 1000: $22,000. Incl. installation by manufacturer.
Pharmacia ALF Express: $14,000. Incl. 90-day parts & labor warr.
Locor 4200: $19,000. W/ Global upgrade. Guaranteed good working order.
LiCor 4200: $13,000. Global Upgrade available; guaranteed installable.
LiCor 4000LS: $12,000. Good working order.
Genomyx LR: $2,500. Boots; many accessories.
MJ Basestation 51. Call/email for details. No robotic loading.
MJ Research Basestation: $59,000. W/ automatic sample loading. Guaranteed.
Biotage PyroMark PSQ-96: $42,000. Warranty included.
Biotage PyroMark MA: $52,000. Factory refurb.
**Real-time PCR:
ABI 7900HT: $48,000. Installed/warranteed.
ABI 7700: $18,000. Installed/warranteed.
[ABI 7700. service and service contracts available.].
ABI 7000: $19,000. Installed & warranteed.
ABI 6700: $38,000. Automated PCR prep system.
ABI 5700: $9,500. 90-day warranty.
BioRad iCycler: $32,000. 90-day warranty.
**Peptide synthesizers:
ABI 433: $29,000. Original, ABI-supportable 433; 90-day warr.
ABI 433: $25,000. Upgraded from 431; indistinguishable from original 433.
We support. Rebuilt, 90-day warr.
ABI 431: $18,000. Rebuilt, 90-day warr.
ABI 430: $12,000. Rebuilt, 90-day warranty.
ABI 432: $15,000. Rebuilt, 90-day warranty.
CEM Discover: $17,500. Benchtop microwave single peptide synthesizer.
Capriccio 1: $65,000. new instrument. Benchtop, large scale; faster and
more efficient that ACT 400. Incl. install, 1 yr svc.
PerSeptive 9500: $12,750. Rebuilt w/ 90-day warranty.
PerSeptive 9050: $16,000. Rebuilt w/ 90-day warranty.
PerSeptive 9050: $4,000. Complete but not working.
ACT LabTech III: $15,000. 30-day warranty.
Symphony (Rainin/Protein Technologies): $35,000. DOS; good working order.
+$5,000/Windows upgrade.
Symphony: $65,000. Rebuilt; 3 mo. warranty.
Super-ACT 396: $80,000. Custom redesign to produce 24 peptides; equivalent
to two Symphonies.
Pioneer: $27,500. Rebuilt; 90-day warranty.
Pioneer valves: Rebuilds, replacements available. Same for MPS unit.
Full service for the Pioneer available.
MPS unit for the Pioneer peptide synthesizer: $5,000. New/unused;
price = 25% of new cost.
ACT 396: $35,000. Rebuilt, warranteed.
PerSeptive 9600: $13,750. Rebuilt, warranteed.
ACT Vanguard Call/email for details. Two available.
ACT Vantage: $79,000. Current instrument; excellent condition.
ACT 357-MPS. Call/email for details.
ACT 350: call/email for details. 96-well synthesizer.
ACT 496: $15,000. Refurbished, warranteed.
ACT 90: $16,250. Refurbished, warranteed.
We offer full support, including service contracts, for all ACT instruments.
Argonaut Nautilus: $50,000. Complete and operational.
Argonaut Quest 205: $27,000. AS model
Argonaut Quest 210: $19,000. AS model.
**Peptide sequencers:
ABI 494 HT: $60,000. Installed, guaranteed ok for service contract.
ABI 494 cLc: $65,000. Installed, guaranteed ok for service contract.
ABI 492: $25,000. Installed, guaranteed ok for service contract.
ABI 491: $75,000. 2002. Installed, warranteed.
Beckman 6300: $19,000. Rebuilt/guaranted. Incl. computer, software.
ABI 421: $10,000. Offers considered.
ABI 477/120: $1,500. Good working order or right of return.
ABI 477 Service, parts available.
ABI 473/476: $15,000. Good working order; install/service available.
[Note: various other ABI, HP, Millipore, Biosearch, Beckman, etc. sequencers, synthesizers etc. available; please inquire.]
**LC/MS, MS/MS, hybrids & Ion traps:
Q-Star Elite: $160,000. 2006 instrument. Includes Agilent 1200.
Q-Star XL: $95,000. Includes install, warranty. 2004 model. (No MALDI source.)
Q-Star Pulsar i: $95,000. o-MALDI 2 source.
Sciex API 4000: $165,000. Install included.
Sciex API 3000: $65,000. US install, 90-day warranty included.
Sciex API 3000 w/ Ionics upgrade: $105,000. Appx. sensitivity of API 4000. Install, warranty incl.
Sciex Q-Trap 4000: $210,000 installed. 2005 model.
Sciex Q-Trap 3200: $90,000. 2002 model; light use.
Sciex Q-Trap 2000: $75,000. Install, warranty included.
Q-Trap 2000: $85,000. 2007. Install, warranty included.
API 3000 upgrade: $49,500. HSID++ from Ionics. Increases sensitivity and (S/N) ratio to ~ that of an API 4000. Install incl.
Sciex API 2000: $44,000. Installed, warranteed.
Sciex API 2000 w/ API 3200 performance: $105,000. Incl. Ionics EPQ+ upgrade to ~ API 3200 specs. Install & warranty.
Sciex API 2000 upgrade: $44,500. From Ionics. To appx API 3200 specs. Install, warranty included.
Sciex API 365: $30,000 installed/warranteed. ESI and APCI.
Sciex 365 w/ Ionics upgrade to better than API 4000: $159,000. Appx. 2x sensitivity of API 4000.
Sciex API 365 upgrade: $109,000. 10x+ Ionics sensitivity upgrade; near-equal to 4000.
Sciex API 150EX: $26,000. Installation included.
Sciex API 165: $45,000. Install included.
Sciex API 150EX: $32,000. Install, warranty included. Solid single quad.
Sciex API 100: $22,000. Fine benchtop single quad. Install included.
Sciex NT workstation: $2,500. Use to upgrade Macs on 150, 365, 2000, 3000.
Sciex API III+: $35,000. Triple quad: ES, APCI; install, 30-day warr.
Sciex API III+ -wanted- For tax-deductible donation to a university.
Sciex API I: $20,000. Single quad; more sensitive than the Sciex 150.
+ $20,000/installation and 1 year service contract.
Sciex TurboIonspray source for API 3000: $5,500.
Sciex APCI source for API 150, 365, 3000: $7,000.
Sciex MicroIon spray source: $7,900. For API 150, 300. or Q-Star. Very low flow.
PE-ABI Mariner: $34,000. ESI-TOF. Price includes install, warranty.
Bruker Apex II FT-MS: price negotiable. 7T magnet; good working order.
Bruker LC Esquire trap similar to 1100 MSD and cheap, 28k
Agilent G1980A Esquire LC/MS Ion Trap, $60,000, refurbed/warranteed.
Agilent 1100 MSD Trap (SL): $53,000. Includes install to spec., warranty.
Agilent 1100 MSD SL: $68,000. Incl. HPLC, DAD, install & warranty.
Agilent 1100 MSD Trap (VL): $55,000. Includes install to spec., warranty.
Agilent 1100 MSD system: $92,000. 1946D; incl. pump, autosampler, DAD, install, warranty.
Agilent APPI source: $10,750.
Agilent single quad G6140A high throughput system: $118,000.
Agilent 1100 MSD: $73,000. A model. Includes 1100. HPLC, variable
detector, install, 90-day warranty and training. Can be reconfigured.
Agilent 1100 G1946D MSD: $40,000. Rebuilt; 90-day warr.
Agilent 1100 APCI source: $6,000. Refurbed; good as new.
Finnigan LTQ-FT: price not set. Oxford magnet. Call if interested.
Finnigan LTQ: $98,000. MALDI/ESI instrument.
LTQ V-MALDI source: $30,000.
Finnigan MAT 90: price negotiable. 13 mos. old; now under factory svc.
Finnigan DECA XP MAX: $84,000. Installed and warranteed.
Finnigan DECA XP+: $58,000. Installed/warranteed. +$15K/Surveyor microplate a/s, HPLC.
Finnigan DECA: $45,000 installed, warranteed. +$15K/Surveyor microplate a/s, HPLC.
Finnigan DECA nanospray source: $7,500.
Finnigan DECA APCI source: $7,500.
Finnigan DECA: $49,000. Install, warranty included.
Finnigan LCQ Advantage: $49,000. Installed/warranteed.
+ $25,000 for Agilent 1100 system w/ VWD.
Finnigan LCQ Duo: $30,000. Includes install. + $10K/Surveyor HPLC.
Finnigan LCQ Classic: $35,000. ESI, installation included.
LCQ Classic APCI: $7,500.
LCQ ESI source: $7,500 ($12K list).
Finnigan AQA: $24,000, guaranteed installable.
Finnigan TSQ Quantum Classic: $82,500. Includes factory install, 90-day warr., ESI. Top-notch triple quad.
Finnigan TSQ 7000: $12,500. Good working order; ESI; incl. HPLC.
Finnigan TSQ 7000: $50,000. ES, API 1, install, 30-day warr. included.
Finnigan TSQ 7000: $60,000. ES, APCI, API 2, Xcalibur, install, 30-day warr.
Finnigan TSQ Classic: $150,000. 2004; GC and LC. HPLC, install, 1 yr. warr. included.
Finnigan SSQ 7000: $45,000. ES, APCI; Excalibur 1.0; API 1 source; Install incl. Workhorse triple quad.
Finnigan TSQ 700: $30,000. Electrospray, APCI. Install included.
Finnigan SSQ 710: $25,000. Electrospray, APCI, API 1, Alpha workstation, install included.
Varian 1200L: <= $125,000. Both GC/MS/MS and LC/MS/MS kits.
Finnigan Mat ITS40. Offers considered. With Varian 3400. GC + A200sAuto Sampler.
Bruker Esquire: $5,000. Ion trap. Working; incl. lots of parts.
Hitachi M 8000: $82,000. Ion trap. 1999; excellent condition; incl. LC.
Micromass Q-Tof Ultima: $110,000. Installed. Software license extra.
Waters Q-Tof API-US: $95,000. 2004. Install included; license extra.
MicroMass Q-TOF Micro: $130,000.00 installed, warranteed. ESI only.
MicroMass Q-Tof II: $75,000. Install included.
MicroMass Q-Tof 1: $48,000. Install included. + $15,000/LC Packings nano-LC.
Micromass LCT: $47,000. Excellent condition. Fast pos-neg ion switching.
Micromass Quattro Micro: $105,000. 3 yrs old; installation & 2795 HPLC incl.
Micromass Quattro Ultima: $71,000. Install, warranty included.
Micromass Quattro LC: $55,000. EPCAS upgrade. +$2,500/E. Coast install, warr; $4,000 elsewhere.
Micromass Quattro IIZ: $149,000. Z-Spray. Includes install, warranty.
Micromass Quattro II: $150-200K Price depends on whether you want installation, GC and/or HPLC.
Micromass Quattro II: $87,500. ESI, APCI, Masslynx 3.5, install, warrantee.
Micromass Platform LC: $35,000. Includes install and warranty.
MM/Waters ZMD 2000: $42,000. Includes install and warranty.
Fisons VG 2000: <$100,000. Call or email for info.
VG PlasmaQuad 2: make an offer. From NIST.
Fisons VG Trio: $25,000. LC + GC: 3000. amu; thermospray, EI/CI, HP 5890.
included. Install, license & 90-day warr. + $14,500.
VG Trio 2: $7,500. Electrospray; complete; parts or fixer-upper unit.
Nermag R10c <$10,000. Like new; make offer.
Finnigan MAT 90: $16,000. All parts intact, plus spares included.
Micromass Autospec M: $179,000. Mag sector/TOF MS/MS. Incl. FPD,
5 sources, guar. eligible for svc. ($700K new)
MM Autospec S: $24,000. FOB Germany. Install, warranty available.
MM Autospec V: $24,000. FOB Germany. Install, warranty available.
Mass spec sample introduction systems listed under liquid handlers, below.
Service and service contracts available for PESciex, Thermo-Finnigan and Micromass mass specs and ion traps: call/email for info.
Voyager DE: $55,000. Installed, guaranteed.
Voyager DE STR: $89,000. Includes install, warranty.
Voyager DE PRO: $89,000. Includes install, warranty.
Voyager DE RP: $67,000. Extensively refurbished.
Voyager RP: $44,000. Incl. install; service contracts avail. Will QC
peptides; continuous extraction.
Voyager Elite XL: $15,000. Incl. Vestec Multi-gauge, Advantec fraction collector.
Voyager MALDI lasers: rebuilt; full warranty; ~2/3 price of new; install available. Call for info.
ABI 4800: $230,000. 2006 model. Install, warranty included.
ABI 4700: $75,000 incl. install, warranty.
Q-Star oMALDI 2 source: $55,000 or best offer.
Mariner ESI-TOF: $40,000. Installed/guaranteed.
Mariner ESI-TOF: $55,000. Incl. Integral HPLC; ideal for peptide QC Incl. install, 90-day warr.
Finnigan LaserMAT 2000: $35,000. Includes ship, install, 90-day parts warr.
Thermo-Finnigan Dynamo: $42,500. Linear DE benchtop system. Price includes ship, install, 90-day warr.
Sequenom system: $215,000. 2001 model. Bruker BiFlex III, Oracle software, SpectroCheck, Reader and Jet. Installation incl.
Sequenom MassARRAY Offers considered. 2001; HME system w/SpectroJET 384, Bruker Biflex III.
Sequenom MassARRAY Offers considered. 7K system (2002), for genotyping. Current software.
MicroMass MALDI LR: $58,000. Includes installation. (Offers considered.)
Micromass Reflectron: $110,000. Incl. MassPrep enclosed robotic sampler system. + $30,500/install.
MicroMass LC-TOF: $90,000. API-LC/Orth. 2000 model. Manufacturer-certified.
MicroMass TOF 2e-Spec: Call/email for details. 1999; many options; good working order.
MicroMass LCT: $75,000. ESI-TOF. Includes HPLC.
Bruker MicrOTOF: $195,000. 2004 model; lease default. Incl. install, warranty.
Bruker Autoflex II: $250,000. 2005; working well now. Price may be negotiable.
Bruker Reflex IV: $207,500. 2001 model; list: $300K. Incl. ion source,
TOF analyzer, detector two NT processing stations.
Bruker OmniFlex: $82,500. 2003 model; PSD option, 90-day warranty.
Bruker Reflex III: $89,000. 1999 model; includes chiller, standalone AS-90.
Bruker Reflex III: offers considered. 2000 model; excellent condition.
Bruker Biflex IV: Just in; call/email to discuss.
Bruker Biflex III: $125,000; offers considered.
Bruker Proflex III Offers considered. Excellent condition.
Ciphergen SELDI-TOF: $55,000. ProteinChip Reader PBS II. Excellent condition.
Shimadzu Axima TOF2: $310,000. Take over lease. 1 year old.
JEOL ESI-TOF: $95,000. 2006 model. Incl. JEOL install, warranty.
LaserTec II: $75,000. By PerSeptive. 5 yrs. old; excellent condition.
Kratos Kompac III: $20,000. Excellent condition; under vacuum.
Kratos Kompac II: $25,000. As is; complete but needs new laser.
SRI custom design: $100,000. Ideal for SNP determination. Asking price. 384 samples/20 min. Can be tested.
Finnigan MAT Vision 2000: $80,000. Reflectron. Includes install, 1 year warranty.
VG Tof-Spec: $6,000. Or best offer. For parts; new laser card and other new boards.
Waters MALDI prep device: offers condered. Used only once. Includes plates and kits.
*Also available: service/contracts on Voyager, Finnigan and Micromass MALDIs
**GC/Other MS:
Finnigan TSQ: $150,000. New style: post-TSQ, post-7000. LC+GC; incl.
new Trace GC, CTC 200. autosampler, EI/CI, API 2 LC source. Install, 1 yr. warr. incl.
Finnigan TSQ 7000: $54,000. GC/MS/MS. Install included; GC is extra.
Varian 1200L: <= $125,000. Both GC/MS/MS and LC/MS/MS kits.
Finnigan FT-MS: offers considered; call/email for more info.
Micromass VG 70VSE: $65,000 5890 Series II GC, LSIMS source, install.
MSI AutoConcept: $380,000. New; multiramp temp; Agilent GC and
Agilent or CTC autosampler. Incl. install, 1-yr. warranty.
Finnigan GCQ: $12,500. GC/MS/MS; EI/CI. +$3.5K/install, if you need it.
Computer for GCQ: $7,500. All necessary boards, cables.
HP 5890 II/5972: $29,500. Install, warr. incl. +: $5K/autosampler.
HP 6890/5973: $49,000; warranty included.
HP 5890II/5970A: $12,500. Refurbed, warranteed. +: $5K/autosampler.
HP 5890A/5972B: $7,000. Many options available.
HP 5988/5890A small: $s NCI, Hi-sensitivity upgrade, INET.
HP 5989 MS engine: $28,500. 2000 amu mass range, pos/neg CI, APCI.
Varian 200/200R Saturn: $24,000. CP800 GC, 8200 autosampler.
VG Trio GC/MS: $15,000. Good working order; can be inspected.
VG Autospec Ultima: price under negotiation. Installed and working now.
Price under negitiation.
VG SIRA isotope ratio mass spec: $85,000. Install available.
Finnigan MAT95/95S: ~$100K, depending. Call/email for details.
MAT 900/900S/900Trap: ~$200K, depending. Call/email for details.
Finnigan MAT 95 parts: not very much. Call or email if interested.
Finnigan MAT GCQ: $23,000. GC/MS/MS. EI/CI.
Finnigan Magnum: $7,500. GC/MS Ion trap; incl. GC.
SRS RGA: $5,900. Residual Gas Analyzer. 30-day warranty.
Leybold IQ 200 RGA: $9,500. Residual Gas Analyzer. 30-day warranty
Finnigan MAT SOLA: $50,000. Asking price. 8 yrs. old; incl. GF,
hydrides gen.
Finnigan T-30 Newstar Offers considered. FT-MS. Was $1.4M in 1997.
Price negotiable.
JEOL HX 110. Offers considered. Tandem Mass spec.
VG ZABSpec: $24,000 installed; shipping extra. 1991 hi-res tri-sector.
TJA 61E Trace ICP-MS: $45,000 including installation.
Perkin Elmer 6100 Elan DRC+: $65,000.
PE Elan 250 ICP-MS: Cheap. '80s vintage. Complete but uncertain
Micromass Platform ICP-MS <=$100K MegaFlow-Z Coaxial Probe.
Micromass Platform ICP Hex-MS: $50,000.
HP 4500 ICP-MS: $34,000.
**Liquid handlers:
RTS Life Sciences Automated Sample Store: climate-controlled sample stor-
age and handling for hundreds of thousands of samples. $500,000 installed.
Velocity11 liquid handler: $595,000. Can be reconfigured.
NanoLC: $20,000. LC Packings, FAMOS autosampler, Switchos.
Leap/CTC Analytics HTS PAL, $12,000. 6-mo. warranty.
Cohesive 2300 HTLC w/ CTC HTS Pal;: $45,000.
MicoMass/Waters CapLC: $22,500.
Beckman Biomek FX $55,000.00 Single arm 96-well. Includes installation.
Beckman Biomek FX $110,000 Dual arm 96-well/Span 8. Includes installation.
Biomek 2000 with side loader system/stacker carousel: $40,000.
Beckman Multimek,: $26,000.
Zymark DNA Purification Workstation (2000) Asking price: $55,000.
XP-arm based Zymarks: $10,000. and: $20,000, depending on accessories.
Tecan RSP-200/8 Robotic Sample Processor: $55,000.
Tecan Genesis RSP 150/8 with RoMa arm: $50,000. Gemini software with
Proteam in gel digestion scripts.
Tecan Genesis RSP 100,: $41,000. delivered w/ 90-day warranty.
Packard Multiprobe 20400 and CP20400, Packard refurbed: $16,500 for either.
Packard Multiprobe II EX: $21,000.
Transgenomic WAVE system, UV-Vis,: $26,000. incl. installation, eligible
for svc.
Dionix LC Packings UltiMate NanoLC system w/ FAMOS autosampler, $37,300.
Dionex LC Packings UltiMate Capillary/Nano LC System: $77,000. Year 2002
w/ Ultimate, Famos, Switchos, Probot, Software, complete.
Qiagen M48 DNA/RNA extraction robot: $48,000 or offer.
Qiagen BioRobot 8000: $19,500. Must Sell.
Qiagen 9600 BioRobot: $20,000. Excellent condition.
Qiagen BioRobot 3000: offers considered. For PCR and plasmid purification.
Zymark tip carousel and automated dispense/filtration sys. w/ four
8-channel Cavro pumping stations: call for details.
Scitec robotic liquid handling system, 3-meter rail,: $60,000. Guaranteed
Tom-Tec Quadras, various configurations, refurbished and warrantied.
Gilson 215: $5,500. Single-tube.
ABI 877 Catalyst Turbo: $12,000 or best offer.
**Other expensive hi-tech items:
Bruker Avance 500: $235,000 installed. Shielded.
Bruker Avance 500: $115,000 guaranteed installable. Incl. flow probe, many others.
Bruker Avance 600 shielded: $495,000. Install available.
Bruker Avance 500: $115,000 guaranteed installable. Incl. flow probe, many others.
Bruker AC 250: $28,000.00. Incl. install, 6 mo. warr.
Bruker AC 270: $30,000.00. Incl. install, 6 mo. warr.
Bruker AC 300: $36,000.00. Incl. install, 6 mo. warr.
Bruker AM 360: $40,000.00. Incl. install, 6 mo. warr.
Bruker AMX 500: $65,000. Incl. install, 6 mo. warr. Mercury VX 400: $165,000.
Incl. E. Coast install, 6 mo. warr.; premium for W. Coast.
JEOL Eclipse 400. FT NMR: $135,750. Shielded. Includes installation.
Varian Inova 500 shielded: $275,000 installed.
Varian Inova 300: $99,500 including shipping and install.
Varian Inova 400 shielded: $160,000.
Varian Inova 400: $100,000 guaranteed installable.
Varian Inova 500: $199,500 installed. Unshielded. Broadband; 3 probes; 2 channel.
Varian Inova 500 mHz (shielded): $350,000. Late 2003 model.
Oxford magnet: $60,000; sold guaranteed operational.
Bruker 500 HR-MAS Probe: call for price. 4mm proton optimized 1H/13C Hi Resolution Magic Angle Spinning Probe, barely used 40 hours.
(we purchase old EM360s and EM390. magnets)
Others available; inquire if interested.
*Flow cytometers:
BD FACSCanto: $115,000. 2 years old.
BD FACSVantage SE: $25,000. 2 lasers. Good working order.
BD FACSVantage SE: $153,500. 2 lasers: 488nm and HeNe 633nm; CycloneCyt option. 2001.
BD FACSVantage: $58,000. One water-cooled laser. Install extra. + $47,000 for DiVa option.
BD FACSVantage: $36,000. Mac G4, CellQuest, 6 color, Coherent Innova Enterprise II laser.
BD FACSCalibur: $59,000. 4 color. Refurbed, install, 1 year warranty.
BD FACSCalibur: $40,000. 3 color. Refurbed and installed.
BD FACScan: $32,000. 3-color. Includes install.
BD FACSSort, 3-color: $39,000. Rebuilt, install and one yr. warr.
BD FACSCount: $12,500. Complete, refurbed, 30-day warranty.
BD FACStar Plus: Offers Invited. G4, Module, Optical Benches, Dual Lasers, Dual Oscilloscope, FACSAutomate.
Coulter Z-1. Offers considered. Call or email if interested.
Coulter EPICS XL-MCL: $45,000. 4 color. Install, warranty included.
Coulter EPICS ELITE: $29,900. New light filters, enhanced 3x optics upgrade, CPU board.
Coulter EPICS XL: $29,000. 3-color. Includes install. +$2K/4th color.
Coulter EPICS PROFILE II: $18,000.
Coulter EPICS ALTRA: $48,000. Install extra.
Coulter MAXM Hematology Flo Cytometer: Offers invited.
DakoCytomation CyAn ADP S2535: $90,000 installed/guaranteed. 2002, 9 color, advanced digital processor, MLE upgrade.
Guava EasyCyte: $29,000. Refurbed, factory recertification.
Guava PCA: $22,000. Good working order.
Others available; inquire if interested.
*Capillary Electrophoresis:
Agilent G1600AX 3D CE system: $22,000. Like new: XP; B series software.
Spectrumedix Reveal: Any offer considered. 96 capillary 9610. Was $231,000 new.
Beckman P/ACE MDQ with LIF option: $41,000.
Beckman P/ACE MDQ CE: $24,000.
Beckman P/ACE 5510: $19,500. Refurbed, installed, 90. day warranty.
Beckman P/ACE 5000. UV System: offers considered. Computer, UV-vis Detector, Gold Software.
Beckman P/ACE 5010: $19,500. Installation included.
Beckman P/ACE 2200: Offers considered.
BioRad Chef Mapper XA: $16,250. Complete; never used/like new.
Ciphergen ProteinChip Reader PBS II: $55,000.
Genepix 4000B microarray scanner: $28,000. 6.0 software. Refurbished, warranteed.
Genepix 4000A microarray scanner: $15,000; warranteed.
Affymetrix 3000 7G system: $95,000, 2 yrs old, excellent condition.
HP/Affymetrix GeneArray G2500A reader w/ laser. Call to discuss price.
Includes new data system but no fluidics station.
Service on GeneArrays now available.
Agilent G2565B. 2004 model: $50,000. Little used.
GeneChip Microarray System: $50,000. negotiable. 2001 model.
GeneTac/GeneMachines Hybridazation System: 2001 model; used only three
times. Call for price.
Genomic Solutions GeneMachines/GeneTAC microarray Hybridization Station:
$23,000. 12 slide unit; like new.
HP/Affymetrix GeneArray Scanner Model G2500A, unused. Call to discuss
Affymetrix 417, 418, 427, 428 arrayer/spotters: sellers considering
rather low offers for parts; call if interested.
Tecan HS4800 hybe station, $75,000. Includes two extension modules.
Used thrice.
Amersham Lucidea Array Spotter 24 pen: 2 years old, lightly used.
Call/email if interested.
Amersham Lucidea SLIDE PRO Hybridization Station: $18,500.
Ciphergen ProteinChip Reader PBS II: $65,000. Current upgrades;
includes factory install, 30-day warranty.
*Spot pickers and gel readers:
Typhoon 9400: $55,000. 2002; re-certified by GE.
GS Progest digestion robot: $31,750. incl. install.
Genomic Solutions Pro-Pic FLX 51001,: $54,500 installed.
Genomic Solutions BioPick BP- 600: excellent condition. Complete/
operational: $22,500; refurbed/warranteed: $45,000.
GeneMachines Mantis Colony Picker: $20,000. Lightly used.
Genomic Solutions Flexys; much less than new price; call/email if
Amersham Typhoon 8600 Variable Mode Imager: $29,000.
*Liquid scintillation counters:
Wallac 1209 RackBeta LSC: $5,000. 90-day warranty.
Wallac 1414 Win Spectral: $7,800. 90-day warranty.
Wallac 1450 Microbeta Plus-6 detector: $15,000. 90-day warranty.
Wallac 1205 Betaplate- 6 detectors: $17,000. 90-day warranty.
Wallac 1450 Trilux Microbeta- 6 detectors: $19,000. 90-day warranty.
Wallac 1450 Trilux Microbeta- 12 detectors: $28,000. 90-day warranty.
Zeiss LSM 510 2-photon scope w/ UV 510 Meta system; 2001/2002. Low six figures obo.
Cambridge Stereoscope S90B SEM w/ Kevex EDX: $25,000. Incl. secondary and
backscattering detectors, Polaroid system, some options, factory
installation. Working now. Service contracts available.
Meridian ACAS 570 Interactive Laser Cytometer: $60,000. 1990 model;
was working when deinstalled. Coherent Innova 90 laser and controller,
Olympus IM-2 inverted microscope.
Meridian ACAS 570C LSCM, good condition, $70,000.
Cambridge Stereoscope S90B SEM w/ Kevex EDX: $10,000. Incl. secondary and
backscattering detectors, Polaroid system, some options. Working now.
Zeiss Plan-Neofluar objective: $3,500. Oil 40x, used only 3 times.
Various other (AFM) Atomic Force Microscopes: Veeco, Digital Instruments,
Park Scientific, Topometrix, etc. Call or email for list.
Various (SEM) Scanning Electron Microscopes,: $9,500-$375,000. Call or
email for list.
Various (TEM) Transmission Electron Microscopes, call or email for list.
Various surgical, neuro surgical microscopes, call or email for list.
Various optical microscopes, call or email for list.
Various Leitz, Zeiss, Olympus, Nikon objectives; call or email for list.
PE 9600 thermalcyclers: $3,750. w/ 90-day warranty.
PE 9800 thermalcyclers: $5,900. New in original boxes. 90-day warranty.
PE 9700 96-well thermalcyclers: aluminum block $4,500, gold block $5.800. 90-day warranty.
PE 9700 384-well thermalcyclers: $5,450. 90-day warranty.
PE 9700 with dual 384-well blocks: $8,000. 90-day warranty.
MJ Research Tetrad Thermal Cycler PTC-225, 96 or 384 well blocks, w/ gradient: $15,000.
Stratagene Robocycler, minimally used: $3,500
*Truly miscellaneous:
Qiagen/Gentra Autopure: call for details.
Discovery SpeedVac: $28,000. Up to 120 microtitre plates.
RTS Life Sciences Automated Sample Store: climate-controlled sample
storage and handling for hundreds of thousands of samples. $500,000.
Tecan Genesis FE-500 Pre-Analytical Automation Workstation (2002): $230,000
Jones Chromatography Flashmaster II: $10,000. 2001; little use; good condition.
Bruker/Enraf Nonius XR-590 X-Ray Defractometer, good working order,
inexpensive. Call/email if interested.
MicroCT II in vivo small animal X-Ray CT Scanner, $125,000.
From IMTEK (now Siemens).
Agilent Bioanalyzer 2100: $12,500. Rebuilt/warranteed.
Luminex 100: $20,000. Excellent condition.
PixCell® IIe Laser Capture Microdissection (LCM) System:
$40,000 installed to specs.
Wallac 1420 Victor 2 multilabel, multitask plate reader $21,500.00
MD Acquest 1536-well ultra-HT plate reader: $25,000 obo. Good condition.
Spectramax Gemini XS Microplate Reader, $16,000. Waranteed.
Wallac 1234 Delfia Fluorometer: $7500; warranteed.
Biacore 3000: $95,000. Good working order.
Biacore 2000: $70,000 guaranteed good working order.
Biacore X: $25,000. Guaranteed good working order.
Biacore 1000: for parts. Call if interested.
Biacore Q: $117,000, good working order.
Biacore probe: $29,000. Good working order.
Ventana Discovery: $70,000. Refurbed/warranteed.
Thermo-Finnigan Discovery Speedvac: $47,500. 3 rotors included..
Zinsser Analytic Calli sample management system: $60,000. Balance not
Spark Holland Prospekt 2 ACE Model 725 and HPD model 730: $45,000.
HP 5890 Series II GC: $7,500. FID, HPIB, Chemstn, no computer. 90-day warranty.
Perkin Elmer/Wallac ViewLux HTS Microplate Imager: $250,000. Was $450K new.
Argonaut Nautilus 2400. solid phase organic synthesizer: $50,000. Good
working order.
Thermo Kevex Omicron XRF: $45,750. Excellent condition. Includes
Ventana Discovery Hybridaztion System: advanced slide staining platform for
target and compound drug discovery. Details at http://www.ventanadiscovery.com.
Call/email to discuss price, config.
Molecular Devices/LJL Biosystems Criterion Analyst HT System: $55,000.
(was $100K new).
Perkin Elmer 1010M Micro Densitometer: was: $325,000. new. Now in Japan. Call if interested.
Accutag Radio Frequency Reader/10k Automated Microreactor Sorting System,: $80,000.
Leybold IQ 200. Residual Gas Analyzer: $9,500. 30-day Warranty.
SRS Residual Gas Analyzer 200: $5,900. 30-day Warranty.
PE 240 C Combustion Analysis analyser, many spare parts. Offer encouraged.
New Brunswick MicroFerm fermentor (MF-114): $8,000. 14 liter, with agitation.
Process Engineers 29 liter mammalian cell bioreactor, new/unused, ~$35,000. or best offer.
(other bioreactors/fermenters available; inquire if interested.)
---------- Пересылаемое письмо ----------
От: Grizzly Analytical <grizzly@calis.com>
Время создания: Fri, 23 Jan 2009 16:19:41 -0700
Тема: Seqs, synths, mass specs, MALDIs available
Agilent 1100 Series Nanoflow LC System for MS G2229A: $39,800
Agilent 1090M: $1000. Good working order.
Agilent 1100 G1364B fraction collector prep scale: $12,700
Agilent 1100 G1382A capillary pump: $15,600
Agilent 1100 Series G1315C diode-array detector SL: $12,200
Agilent 1100 Series G1364D micro fraction collector: $12,700
Agilent 1100 thermostatted micro well-plate sampler G1378A: $14,800
Agilent 1100 thermostatted micro autosampler G1387A: $14,800.00
Spark Holland 920: $3,400
Hitachi 7000 series HPLC: quaternary, variable detector, autosampler: $11,500, rebuilt w/ 90-day warr.
AKTA System Purifier 100: $23,000-$28,000, depending on configuration.
Pharmacia FPLC: $12,000. 90-day warranty.
Other HPLCs: HP/Aglient, Beckman, Waters, Gilson, Pharmacia, Waters systems from $9,500.
BioCad Vision: $35,000. 90-day warranty.
BioCAD Integral 100Q: $29,000.
BioCAD 60s and 700es w/ 90-day warr. available for: $15-22,000, depending on details.
Spectrophotometers: Agilent, Beckman, Milton Roy, Hitachi, Bio-Tek,: $3-8,000.
Molecular Devices FLIPR 3: $199,000. Installed, eligible for svc.
Molecular Devices FLIPR 1: $125,000. Installed, eligible for svc.
Luminex LX100. (simultaneous assay of multiple analytes): $29,000.
Glycoprep 1000. automated hydrazinolysis machine: $9,000; good working order.
Packard Topcount 12-detector 96 well microplate scintillation counter, $25,000.
Вeckman LS 6500 Scintillation System: call for details.
ABI 120 HPLC: $1,500.
Agilent 8453 Diode Array Spectrophotometers: $8,000-13,200, depending on accessories.
Analtech Cyclograph centrifugal chromatograph with a full quartz cover:
$3,500. Excellent condition.
ABI 877: have several; different configs, prices, none very expensive; call.
MD PhosphorImager Storm 860, $25,000.
MD FSI FluorImager: $15,000.
Stratagene Eagle Eye II Video System: $10,000.
Agilent 6850 GC w/ FID, PC (no monitor), Win 2000, chemstation Rev 9, 7683
auto injector (no tray), 90 days parts warranty: $12,500.
HP 5890 Series II GC: $13,000. FID. Fitted for dual column (1 packed
and 1 capillary). 7673B Tower with controller for autosampler. Chemstation Software.
HP 5890 GC: $6,500. Dual FID and two injectors for capillary columns. HP 3396 Integrator.
Varian 3400 GC: $6,500. Single ECD.
Kratos Profile GC: Free if you pay shipping. Needs some work.
**Service: We rebuild valve blocks for ABI 430, 431 and 39x @: $65/port, 90-day warranty.
Service and contracts on ABI 7700, 39n and PerSeptive 8909/8905s available.
Service contracts on Hewlett Packard HPLCs, GCs and MSs available at a
savings over HP rates For more info, visit our website.
**Also available:
Agilent 1100 HPLCs, virtually all configurations/detectors.
HPLCs, ICs, CEs, FPLCs: microbore to prep scale.
A variety of other lab instruments.
Call or check the website: http://www.grizzlyanalytical.com.
Please call or email for more information or if you have items to sell.
Michael Sherrell
Grizzly Analytical (USA)
707 887 2919/fax 707 887 9834
Начало списка:
Sequencers, synthesizers, mass specs, MALDIs, liquid handlers, cytometers etc. from Grizzly Analytical.
(We have a lot of unlisted items. If you don't see something here, please email or call.)
Expedite 8909: $12,500. Includes M.O.S.S, rebuilt w/ new ABI valves,
90-day warranty. + $3,500/trityl. ABI's successor to the 394.
Easily modified for micro-RNA.
ABI 394: $14,200. Rebuilt; 90-day warranty.
ABI 394: $19,900. Trityl, MAC, rebuilt: about as good as the new 3400.
Easily modified for micro-RNA.
ABI 392: $12,200. Rebuilt; 90-day warranty.
ABI 391: $11,750. Rebuilt; 90-day warranty.
ABI 3948: $25,000. Rebuilt/installed w/ 90-day warranty.
ABI 3948: $7,500. May be worth: $25K as ABI tradein on new 3900.
ABI 390Z: $11,000. Rebuilt/warranteed.
OligoPilot II: $16,900. Install, 90-day warranty incl.
PolyGen 10: $11,000. Excellent condition; latest/greatest software.
Beckman 1000M: $11,000. Excellent condition; guaranteed.
CyClone: $7,500. New-in-box; 90 day parts warranty. Similar to ABI 392.
Biosearch 8700: $10,000. Rebuilt; Phoenix upgrade (>35% efficiency gain),
90-day warr.
BioSearch 8750: $10,500. Rebuilt; Phoenix upgrade (>35% efficiency gain),
90-day warr.
MacConnell MiniPrep 48: $6,000. For DNA purification. Used once. 48
Specs: http://www.macconnell.com/specs_48.htm.
(ABI 3900: software for sequence loading, web interfacing available;
call for details.)
*High throughput synthesizers:
384-well synthesizer: $225,000. 10-20nM scale.
BLP 192: $125,000. 2 plates, 8 min. cycle time. New; incl. install +
1 yr. warr.
BLP 192: $88,000. Excellent condition. Install incl.
Polygen 10. Call if interested.
Mermade 12: $45,000. < 2 years old; transferrable warranty.
Mermade V: $125,000.
Mermade I: $30,000. 96-well. Installation included.
Mermade 192: $72,000. 192-well. Installation included.
Mermade 384: price not set yet. Call/email if interested. 2004 model;
was $284,000 new
ABI 3730xl: $95,000. Includes installation and warranty.
ABI 3730-48: $95,000. Includes installation and warranty.
ABI 3130xl: $75,000. Includes install, warranty.
ABI 3100 Hotrod: $95,000. Custom mods: POP7, software upgrade: 50%
faster than 3130. Install, warranty incl.; svc. contracts available.
ABI 3100: $60,000. Includes install.
ABI 3100 Avant: $45,000. Includes install.
3130, 3730 50% thruput increase: $10-20,000. XML script module.
No effect on ABI service contracts. Install included.
ABI 310: $15,750. Mac. Includes install; guar. eligible for service.
ABI 310 XP: $21,000. PC-based. Incl. install.
ABI 310 lasers: rebuilt; full warrantee; ~2/3 price of new;
install available. Call for info.
POP5, POP6, $590/230ml. Samples available.
ABI 3700: $1,000. Complete; was working on deinstall. Worth every penny.
ABI 377: $12,000. 96-lane; install incl., service contracts avail.
ABI 377 glass plages: free to a non-profit (you pay shipping).
ABI 377: $1,000. As-is; suitable for tradein.
ABI 377 service: $s depends Call/email for quotes; price depends on
ABI 373 stretch: $9,000. Big Dye upgrade.
ABI 377 lasers: rebuilt; full warranty; ~2/3 price of new; install
available. Call for info.
Beckman/Orchid SNPStream: call/email to discuss. Very high throughput
genotyping system; excellent condition.
Beckman CEQ 8000: $26,000. 2002 model. Good working order.
Beckman CEQ 8000: $39,000. Install, warranty incl.
Beckman CEQ 2000: $20,000 -- or best offer.
Qiagen Biorad MDX DNA prep robot: 2005; was $211,000 new. Call or email
if interested.
MegaBace 4000: $60,000. Not including arrays.
MegaBace 1000: $22,000. Incl. installation by manufacturer.
Pharmacia ALF Express: $14,000. Incl. 90-day parts & labor warr.
Locor 4200: $19,000. W/ Global upgrade. Guaranteed good working order.
LiCor 4200: $13,000. Global Upgrade available; guaranteed installable.
LiCor 4000LS: $12,000. Good working order.
Genomyx LR: $2,500. Boots; many accessories.
MJ Basestation 51. Call/email for details. No robotic loading.
MJ Research Basestation: $59,000. W/ automatic sample loading. Guaranteed.
Biotage PyroMark PSQ-96: $42,000. Warranty included.
Biotage PyroMark MA: $52,000. Factory refurb.
**Real-time PCR:
ABI 7900HT: $48,000. Installed/warranteed.
ABI 7700: $18,000. Installed/warranteed.
[ABI 7700. service and service contracts available.].
ABI 7000: $19,000. Installed & warranteed.
ABI 6700: $38,000. Automated PCR prep system.
ABI 5700: $9,500. 90-day warranty.
BioRad iCycler: $32,000. 90-day warranty.
**Peptide synthesizers:
ABI 433: $29,000. Original, ABI-supportable 433; 90-day warr.
ABI 433: $25,000. Upgraded from 431; indistinguishable from original 433.
We support. Rebuilt, 90-day warr.
ABI 431: $18,000. Rebuilt, 90-day warr.
ABI 430: $12,000. Rebuilt, 90-day warranty.
ABI 432: $15,000. Rebuilt, 90-day warranty.
CEM Discover: $17,500. Benchtop microwave single peptide synthesizer.
Capriccio 1: $65,000. new instrument. Benchtop, large scale; faster and
more efficient that ACT 400. Incl. install, 1 yr svc.
PerSeptive 9500: $12,750. Rebuilt w/ 90-day warranty.
PerSeptive 9050: $16,000. Rebuilt w/ 90-day warranty.
PerSeptive 9050: $4,000. Complete but not working.
ACT LabTech III: $15,000. 30-day warranty.
Symphony (Rainin/Protein Technologies): $35,000. DOS; good working order.
+$5,000/Windows upgrade.
Symphony: $65,000. Rebuilt; 3 mo. warranty.
Super-ACT 396: $80,000. Custom redesign to produce 24 peptides; equivalent
to two Symphonies.
Pioneer: $27,500. Rebuilt; 90-day warranty.
Pioneer valves: Rebuilds, replacements available. Same for MPS unit.
Full service for the Pioneer available.
MPS unit for the Pioneer peptide synthesizer: $5,000. New/unused;
price = 25% of new cost.
ACT 396: $35,000. Rebuilt, warranteed.
PerSeptive 9600: $13,750. Rebuilt, warranteed.
ACT Vanguard Call/email for details. Two available.
ACT Vantage: $79,000. Current instrument; excellent condition.
ACT 357-MPS. Call/email for details.
ACT 350: call/email for details. 96-well synthesizer.
ACT 496: $15,000. Refurbished, warranteed.
ACT 90: $16,250. Refurbished, warranteed.
We offer full support, including service contracts, for all ACT instruments.
Argonaut Nautilus: $50,000. Complete and operational.
Argonaut Quest 205: $27,000. AS model
Argonaut Quest 210: $19,000. AS model.
**Peptide sequencers:
ABI 494 HT: $60,000. Installed, guaranteed ok for service contract.
ABI 494 cLc: $65,000. Installed, guaranteed ok for service contract.
ABI 492: $25,000. Installed, guaranteed ok for service contract.
ABI 491: $75,000. 2002. Installed, warranteed.
Beckman 6300: $19,000. Rebuilt/guaranted. Incl. computer, software.
ABI 421: $10,000. Offers considered.
ABI 477/120: $1,500. Good working order or right of return.
ABI 477 Service, parts available.
ABI 473/476: $15,000. Good working order; install/service available.
[Note: various other ABI, HP, Millipore, Biosearch, Beckman, etc. sequencers, synthesizers etc. available; please inquire.]
**LC/MS, MS/MS, hybrids & Ion traps:
Q-Star Elite: $160,000. 2006 instrument. Includes Agilent 1200.
Q-Star XL: $95,000. Includes install, warranty. 2004 model. (No MALDI source.)
Q-Star Pulsar i: $95,000. o-MALDI 2 source.
Sciex API 4000: $165,000. Install included.
Sciex API 3000: $65,000. US install, 90-day warranty included.
Sciex API 3000 w/ Ionics upgrade: $105,000. Appx. sensitivity of API 4000. Install, warranty incl.
Sciex Q-Trap 4000: $210,000 installed. 2005 model.
Sciex Q-Trap 3200: $90,000. 2002 model; light use.
Sciex Q-Trap 2000: $75,000. Install, warranty included.
Q-Trap 2000: $85,000. 2007. Install, warranty included.
API 3000 upgrade: $49,500. HSID++ from Ionics. Increases sensitivity and (S/N) ratio to ~ that of an API 4000. Install incl.
Sciex API 2000: $44,000. Installed, warranteed.
Sciex API 2000 w/ API 3200 performance: $105,000. Incl. Ionics EPQ+ upgrade to ~ API 3200 specs. Install & warranty.
Sciex API 2000 upgrade: $44,500. From Ionics. To appx API 3200 specs. Install, warranty included.
Sciex API 365: $30,000 installed/warranteed. ESI and APCI.
Sciex 365 w/ Ionics upgrade to better than API 4000: $159,000. Appx. 2x sensitivity of API 4000.
Sciex API 365 upgrade: $109,000. 10x+ Ionics sensitivity upgrade; near-equal to 4000.
Sciex API 150EX: $26,000. Installation included.
Sciex API 165: $45,000. Install included.
Sciex API 150EX: $32,000. Install, warranty included. Solid single quad.
Sciex API 100: $22,000. Fine benchtop single quad. Install included.
Sciex NT workstation: $2,500. Use to upgrade Macs on 150, 365, 2000, 3000.
Sciex API III+: $35,000. Triple quad: ES, APCI; install, 30-day warr.
Sciex API III+ -wanted- For tax-deductible donation to a university.
Sciex API I: $20,000. Single quad; more sensitive than the Sciex 150.
+ $20,000/installation and 1 year service contract.
Sciex TurboIonspray source for API 3000: $5,500.
Sciex APCI source for API 150, 365, 3000: $7,000.
Sciex MicroIon spray source: $7,900. For API 150, 300. or Q-Star. Very low flow.
PE-ABI Mariner: $34,000. ESI-TOF. Price includes install, warranty.
Bruker Apex II FT-MS: price negotiable. 7T magnet; good working order.
Bruker LC Esquire trap similar to 1100 MSD and cheap, 28k
Agilent G1980A Esquire LC/MS Ion Trap, $60,000, refurbed/warranteed.
Agilent 1100 MSD Trap (SL): $53,000. Includes install to spec., warranty.
Agilent 1100 MSD SL: $68,000. Incl. HPLC, DAD, install & warranty.
Agilent 1100 MSD Trap (VL): $55,000. Includes install to spec., warranty.
Agilent 1100 MSD system: $92,000. 1946D; incl. pump, autosampler, DAD, install, warranty.
Agilent APPI source: $10,750.
Agilent single quad G6140A high throughput system: $118,000.
Agilent 1100 MSD: $73,000. A model. Includes 1100. HPLC, variable
detector, install, 90-day warranty and training. Can be reconfigured.
Agilent 1100 G1946D MSD: $40,000. Rebuilt; 90-day warr.
Agilent 1100 APCI source: $6,000. Refurbed; good as new.
Finnigan LTQ-FT: price not set. Oxford magnet. Call if interested.
Finnigan LTQ: $98,000. MALDI/ESI instrument.
LTQ V-MALDI source: $30,000.
Finnigan MAT 90: price negotiable. 13 mos. old; now under factory svc.
Finnigan DECA XP MAX: $84,000. Installed and warranteed.
Finnigan DECA XP+: $58,000. Installed/warranteed. +$15K/Surveyor microplate a/s, HPLC.
Finnigan DECA: $45,000 installed, warranteed. +$15K/Surveyor microplate a/s, HPLC.
Finnigan DECA nanospray source: $7,500.
Finnigan DECA APCI source: $7,500.
Finnigan DECA: $49,000. Install, warranty included.
Finnigan LCQ Advantage: $49,000. Installed/warranteed.
+ $25,000 for Agilent 1100 system w/ VWD.
Finnigan LCQ Duo: $30,000. Includes install. + $10K/Surveyor HPLC.
Finnigan LCQ Classic: $35,000. ESI, installation included.
LCQ Classic APCI: $7,500.
LCQ ESI source: $7,500 ($12K list).
Finnigan AQA: $24,000, guaranteed installable.
Finnigan TSQ Quantum Classic: $82,500. Includes factory install, 90-day warr., ESI. Top-notch triple quad.
Finnigan TSQ 7000: $12,500. Good working order; ESI; incl. HPLC.
Finnigan TSQ 7000: $50,000. ES, API 1, install, 30-day warr. included.
Finnigan TSQ 7000: $60,000. ES, APCI, API 2, Xcalibur, install, 30-day warr.
Finnigan TSQ Classic: $150,000. 2004; GC and LC. HPLC, install, 1 yr. warr. included.
Finnigan SSQ 7000: $45,000. ES, APCI; Excalibur 1.0; API 1 source; Install incl. Workhorse triple quad.
Finnigan TSQ 700: $30,000. Electrospray, APCI. Install included.
Finnigan SSQ 710: $25,000. Electrospray, APCI, API 1, Alpha workstation, install included.
Varian 1200L: <= $125,000. Both GC/MS/MS and LC/MS/MS kits.
Finnigan Mat ITS40. Offers considered. With Varian 3400. GC + A200sAuto Sampler.
Bruker Esquire: $5,000. Ion trap. Working; incl. lots of parts.
Hitachi M 8000: $82,000. Ion trap. 1999; excellent condition; incl. LC.
Micromass Q-Tof Ultima: $110,000. Installed. Software license extra.
Waters Q-Tof API-US: $95,000. 2004. Install included; license extra.
MicroMass Q-TOF Micro: $130,000.00 installed, warranteed. ESI only.
MicroMass Q-Tof II: $75,000. Install included.
MicroMass Q-Tof 1: $48,000. Install included. + $15,000/LC Packings nano-LC.
Micromass LCT: $47,000. Excellent condition. Fast pos-neg ion switching.
Micromass Quattro Micro: $105,000. 3 yrs old; installation & 2795 HPLC incl.
Micromass Quattro Ultima: $71,000. Install, warranty included.
Micromass Quattro LC: $55,000. EPCAS upgrade. +$2,500/E. Coast install, warr; $4,000 elsewhere.
Micromass Quattro IIZ: $149,000. Z-Spray. Includes install, warranty.
Micromass Quattro II: $150-200K Price depends on whether you want installation, GC and/or HPLC.
Micromass Quattro II: $87,500. ESI, APCI, Masslynx 3.5, install, warrantee.
Micromass Platform LC: $35,000. Includes install and warranty.
MM/Waters ZMD 2000: $42,000. Includes install and warranty.
Fisons VG 2000: <$100,000. Call or email for info.
VG PlasmaQuad 2: make an offer. From NIST.
Fisons VG Trio: $25,000. LC + GC: 3000. amu; thermospray, EI/CI, HP 5890.
included. Install, license & 90-day warr. + $14,500.
VG Trio 2: $7,500. Electrospray; complete; parts or fixer-upper unit.
Nermag R10c <$10,000. Like new; make offer.
Finnigan MAT 90: $16,000. All parts intact, plus spares included.
Micromass Autospec M: $179,000. Mag sector/TOF MS/MS. Incl. FPD,
5 sources, guar. eligible for svc. ($700K new)
MM Autospec S: $24,000. FOB Germany. Install, warranty available.
MM Autospec V: $24,000. FOB Germany. Install, warranty available.
Mass spec sample introduction systems listed under liquid handlers, below.
Service and service contracts available for PESciex, Thermo-Finnigan and Micromass mass specs and ion traps: call/email for info.
Voyager DE: $55,000. Installed, guaranteed.
Voyager DE STR: $89,000. Includes install, warranty.
Voyager DE PRO: $89,000. Includes install, warranty.
Voyager DE RP: $67,000. Extensively refurbished.
Voyager RP: $44,000. Incl. install; service contracts avail. Will QC
peptides; continuous extraction.
Voyager Elite XL: $15,000. Incl. Vestec Multi-gauge, Advantec fraction collector.
Voyager MALDI lasers: rebuilt; full warranty; ~2/3 price of new; install available. Call for info.
ABI 4800: $230,000. 2006 model. Install, warranty included.
ABI 4700: $75,000 incl. install, warranty.
Q-Star oMALDI 2 source: $55,000 or best offer.
Mariner ESI-TOF: $40,000. Installed/guaranteed.
Mariner ESI-TOF: $55,000. Incl. Integral HPLC; ideal for peptide QC Incl. install, 90-day warr.
Finnigan LaserMAT 2000: $35,000. Includes ship, install, 90-day parts warr.
Thermo-Finnigan Dynamo: $42,500. Linear DE benchtop system. Price includes ship, install, 90-day warr.
Sequenom system: $215,000. 2001 model. Bruker BiFlex III, Oracle software, SpectroCheck, Reader and Jet. Installation incl.
Sequenom MassARRAY Offers considered. 2001; HME system w/SpectroJET 384, Bruker Biflex III.
Sequenom MassARRAY Offers considered. 7K system (2002), for genotyping. Current software.
MicroMass MALDI LR: $58,000. Includes installation. (Offers considered.)
Micromass Reflectron: $110,000. Incl. MassPrep enclosed robotic sampler system. + $30,500/install.
MicroMass LC-TOF: $90,000. API-LC/Orth. 2000 model. Manufacturer-certified.
MicroMass TOF 2e-Spec: Call/email for details. 1999; many options; good working order.
MicroMass LCT: $75,000. ESI-TOF. Includes HPLC.
Bruker MicrOTOF: $195,000. 2004 model; lease default. Incl. install, warranty.
Bruker Autoflex II: $250,000. 2005; working well now. Price may be negotiable.
Bruker Reflex IV: $207,500. 2001 model; list: $300K. Incl. ion source,
TOF analyzer, detector two NT processing stations.
Bruker OmniFlex: $82,500. 2003 model; PSD option, 90-day warranty.
Bruker Reflex III: $89,000. 1999 model; includes chiller, standalone AS-90.
Bruker Reflex III: offers considered. 2000 model; excellent condition.
Bruker Biflex IV: Just in; call/email to discuss.
Bruker Biflex III: $125,000; offers considered.
Bruker Proflex III Offers considered. Excellent condition.
Ciphergen SELDI-TOF: $55,000. ProteinChip Reader PBS II. Excellent condition.
Shimadzu Axima TOF2: $310,000. Take over lease. 1 year old.
JEOL ESI-TOF: $95,000. 2006 model. Incl. JEOL install, warranty.
LaserTec II: $75,000. By PerSeptive. 5 yrs. old; excellent condition.
Kratos Kompac III: $20,000. Excellent condition; under vacuum.
Kratos Kompac II: $25,000. As is; complete but needs new laser.
SRI custom design: $100,000. Ideal for SNP determination. Asking price. 384 samples/20 min. Can be tested.
Finnigan MAT Vision 2000: $80,000. Reflectron. Includes install, 1 year warranty.
VG Tof-Spec: $6,000. Or best offer. For parts; new laser card and other new boards.
Waters MALDI prep device: offers condered. Used only once. Includes plates and kits.
*Also available: service/contracts on Voyager, Finnigan and Micromass MALDIs
**GC/Other MS:
Finnigan TSQ: $150,000. New style: post-TSQ, post-7000. LC+GC; incl.
new Trace GC, CTC 200. autosampler, EI/CI, API 2 LC source. Install, 1 yr. warr. incl.
Finnigan TSQ 7000: $54,000. GC/MS/MS. Install included; GC is extra.
Varian 1200L: <= $125,000. Both GC/MS/MS and LC/MS/MS kits.
Finnigan FT-MS: offers considered; call/email for more info.
Micromass VG 70VSE: $65,000 5890 Series II GC, LSIMS source, install.
MSI AutoConcept: $380,000. New; multiramp temp; Agilent GC and
Agilent or CTC autosampler. Incl. install, 1-yr. warranty.
Finnigan GCQ: $12,500. GC/MS/MS; EI/CI. +$3.5K/install, if you need it.
Computer for GCQ: $7,500. All necessary boards, cables.
HP 5890 II/5972: $29,500. Install, warr. incl. +: $5K/autosampler.
HP 6890/5973: $49,000; warranty included.
HP 5890II/5970A: $12,500. Refurbed, warranteed. +: $5K/autosampler.
HP 5890A/5972B: $7,000. Many options available.
HP 5988/5890A small: $s NCI, Hi-sensitivity upgrade, INET.
HP 5989 MS engine: $28,500. 2000 amu mass range, pos/neg CI, APCI.
Varian 200/200R Saturn: $24,000. CP800 GC, 8200 autosampler.
VG Trio GC/MS: $15,000. Good working order; can be inspected.
VG Autospec Ultima: price under negotiation. Installed and working now.
Price under negitiation.
VG SIRA isotope ratio mass spec: $85,000. Install available.
Finnigan MAT95/95S: ~$100K, depending. Call/email for details.
MAT 900/900S/900Trap: ~$200K, depending. Call/email for details.
Finnigan MAT 95 parts: not very much. Call or email if interested.
Finnigan MAT GCQ: $23,000. GC/MS/MS. EI/CI.
Finnigan Magnum: $7,500. GC/MS Ion trap; incl. GC.
SRS RGA: $5,900. Residual Gas Analyzer. 30-day warranty.
Leybold IQ 200 RGA: $9,500. Residual Gas Analyzer. 30-day warranty
Finnigan MAT SOLA: $50,000. Asking price. 8 yrs. old; incl. GF,
hydrides gen.
Finnigan T-30 Newstar Offers considered. FT-MS. Was $1.4M in 1997.
Price negotiable.
JEOL HX 110. Offers considered. Tandem Mass spec.
VG ZABSpec: $24,000 installed; shipping extra. 1991 hi-res tri-sector.
TJA 61E Trace ICP-MS: $45,000 including installation.
Perkin Elmer 6100 Elan DRC+: $65,000.
PE Elan 250 ICP-MS: Cheap. '80s vintage. Complete but uncertain
Micromass Platform ICP-MS <=$100K MegaFlow-Z Coaxial Probe.
Micromass Platform ICP Hex-MS: $50,000.
HP 4500 ICP-MS: $34,000.
**Liquid handlers:
RTS Life Sciences Automated Sample Store: climate-controlled sample stor-
age and handling for hundreds of thousands of samples. $500,000 installed.
Velocity11 liquid handler: $595,000. Can be reconfigured.
NanoLC: $20,000. LC Packings, FAMOS autosampler, Switchos.
Leap/CTC Analytics HTS PAL, $12,000. 6-mo. warranty.
Cohesive 2300 HTLC w/ CTC HTS Pal;: $45,000.
MicoMass/Waters CapLC: $22,500.
Beckman Biomek FX $55,000.00 Single arm 96-well. Includes installation.
Beckman Biomek FX $110,000 Dual arm 96-well/Span 8. Includes installation.
Biomek 2000 with side loader system/stacker carousel: $40,000.
Beckman Multimek,: $26,000.
Zymark DNA Purification Workstation (2000) Asking price: $55,000.
XP-arm based Zymarks: $10,000. and: $20,000, depending on accessories.
Tecan RSP-200/8 Robotic Sample Processor: $55,000.
Tecan Genesis RSP 150/8 with RoMa arm: $50,000. Gemini software with
Proteam in gel digestion scripts.
Tecan Genesis RSP 100,: $41,000. delivered w/ 90-day warranty.
Packard Multiprobe 20400 and CP20400, Packard refurbed: $16,500 for either.
Packard Multiprobe II EX: $21,000.
Transgenomic WAVE system, UV-Vis,: $26,000. incl. installation, eligible
for svc.
Dionix LC Packings UltiMate NanoLC system w/ FAMOS autosampler, $37,300.
Dionex LC Packings UltiMate Capillary/Nano LC System: $77,000. Year 2002
w/ Ultimate, Famos, Switchos, Probot, Software, complete.
Qiagen M48 DNA/RNA extraction robot: $48,000 or offer.
Qiagen BioRobot 8000: $19,500. Must Sell.
Qiagen 9600 BioRobot: $20,000. Excellent condition.
Qiagen BioRobot 3000: offers considered. For PCR and plasmid purification.
Zymark tip carousel and automated dispense/filtration sys. w/ four
8-channel Cavro pumping stations: call for details.
Scitec robotic liquid handling system, 3-meter rail,: $60,000. Guaranteed
Tom-Tec Quadras, various configurations, refurbished and warrantied.
Gilson 215: $5,500. Single-tube.
ABI 877 Catalyst Turbo: $12,000 or best offer.
**Other expensive hi-tech items:
Bruker Avance 500: $235,000 installed. Shielded.
Bruker Avance 500: $115,000 guaranteed installable. Incl. flow probe, many others.
Bruker Avance 600 shielded: $495,000. Install available.
Bruker Avance 500: $115,000 guaranteed installable. Incl. flow probe, many others.
Bruker AC 250: $28,000.00. Incl. install, 6 mo. warr.
Bruker AC 270: $30,000.00. Incl. install, 6 mo. warr.
Bruker AC 300: $36,000.00. Incl. install, 6 mo. warr.
Bruker AM 360: $40,000.00. Incl. install, 6 mo. warr.
Bruker AMX 500: $65,000. Incl. install, 6 mo. warr. Mercury VX 400: $165,000.
Incl. E. Coast install, 6 mo. warr.; premium for W. Coast.
JEOL Eclipse 400. FT NMR: $135,750. Shielded. Includes installation.
Varian Inova 500 shielded: $275,000 installed.
Varian Inova 300: $99,500 including shipping and install.
Varian Inova 400 shielded: $160,000.
Varian Inova 400: $100,000 guaranteed installable.
Varian Inova 500: $199,500 installed. Unshielded. Broadband; 3 probes; 2 channel.
Varian Inova 500 mHz (shielded): $350,000. Late 2003 model.
Oxford magnet: $60,000; sold guaranteed operational.
Bruker 500 HR-MAS Probe: call for price. 4mm proton optimized 1H/13C Hi Resolution Magic Angle Spinning Probe, barely used 40 hours.
(we purchase old EM360s and EM390. magnets)
Others available; inquire if interested.
*Flow cytometers:
BD FACSCanto: $115,000. 2 years old.
BD FACSVantage SE: $25,000. 2 lasers. Good working order.
BD FACSVantage SE: $153,500. 2 lasers: 488nm and HeNe 633nm; CycloneCyt option. 2001.
BD FACSVantage: $58,000. One water-cooled laser. Install extra. + $47,000 for DiVa option.
BD FACSVantage: $36,000. Mac G4, CellQuest, 6 color, Coherent Innova Enterprise II laser.
BD FACSCalibur: $59,000. 4 color. Refurbed, install, 1 year warranty.
BD FACSCalibur: $40,000. 3 color. Refurbed and installed.
BD FACScan: $32,000. 3-color. Includes install.
BD FACSSort, 3-color: $39,000. Rebuilt, install and one yr. warr.
BD FACSCount: $12,500. Complete, refurbed, 30-day warranty.
BD FACStar Plus: Offers Invited. G4, Module, Optical Benches, Dual Lasers, Dual Oscilloscope, FACSAutomate.
Coulter Z-1. Offers considered. Call or email if interested.
Coulter EPICS XL-MCL: $45,000. 4 color. Install, warranty included.
Coulter EPICS ELITE: $29,900. New light filters, enhanced 3x optics upgrade, CPU board.
Coulter EPICS XL: $29,000. 3-color. Includes install. +$2K/4th color.
Coulter EPICS PROFILE II: $18,000.
Coulter EPICS ALTRA: $48,000. Install extra.
Coulter MAXM Hematology Flo Cytometer: Offers invited.
DakoCytomation CyAn ADP S2535: $90,000 installed/guaranteed. 2002, 9 color, advanced digital processor, MLE upgrade.
Guava EasyCyte: $29,000. Refurbed, factory recertification.
Guava PCA: $22,000. Good working order.
Others available; inquire if interested.
*Capillary Electrophoresis:
Agilent G1600AX 3D CE system: $22,000. Like new: XP; B series software.
Spectrumedix Reveal: Any offer considered. 96 capillary 9610. Was $231,000 new.
Beckman P/ACE MDQ with LIF option: $41,000.
Beckman P/ACE MDQ CE: $24,000.
Beckman P/ACE 5510: $19,500. Refurbed, installed, 90. day warranty.
Beckman P/ACE 5000. UV System: offers considered. Computer, UV-vis Detector, Gold Software.
Beckman P/ACE 5010: $19,500. Installation included.
Beckman P/ACE 2200: Offers considered.
BioRad Chef Mapper XA: $16,250. Complete; never used/like new.
Ciphergen ProteinChip Reader PBS II: $55,000.
Genepix 4000B microarray scanner: $28,000. 6.0 software. Refurbished, warranteed.
Genepix 4000A microarray scanner: $15,000; warranteed.
Affymetrix 3000 7G system: $95,000, 2 yrs old, excellent condition.
HP/Affymetrix GeneArray G2500A reader w/ laser. Call to discuss price.
Includes new data system but no fluidics station.
Service on GeneArrays now available.
Agilent G2565B. 2004 model: $50,000. Little used.
GeneChip Microarray System: $50,000. negotiable. 2001 model.
GeneTac/GeneMachines Hybridazation System: 2001 model; used only three
times. Call for price.
Genomic Solutions GeneMachines/GeneTAC microarray Hybridization Station:
$23,000. 12 slide unit; like new.
HP/Affymetrix GeneArray Scanner Model G2500A, unused. Call to discuss
Affymetrix 417, 418, 427, 428 arrayer/spotters: sellers considering
rather low offers for parts; call if interested.
Tecan HS4800 hybe station, $75,000. Includes two extension modules.
Used thrice.
Amersham Lucidea Array Spotter 24 pen: 2 years old, lightly used.
Call/email if interested.
Amersham Lucidea SLIDE PRO Hybridization Station: $18,500.
Ciphergen ProteinChip Reader PBS II: $65,000. Current upgrades;
includes factory install, 30-day warranty.
*Spot pickers and gel readers:
Typhoon 9400: $55,000. 2002; re-certified by GE.
GS Progest digestion robot: $31,750. incl. install.
Genomic Solutions Pro-Pic FLX 51001,: $54,500 installed.
Genomic Solutions BioPick BP- 600: excellent condition. Complete/
operational: $22,500; refurbed/warranteed: $45,000.
GeneMachines Mantis Colony Picker: $20,000. Lightly used.
Genomic Solutions Flexys; much less than new price; call/email if
Amersham Typhoon 8600 Variable Mode Imager: $29,000.
*Liquid scintillation counters:
Wallac 1209 RackBeta LSC: $5,000. 90-day warranty.
Wallac 1414 Win Spectral: $7,800. 90-day warranty.
Wallac 1450 Microbeta Plus-6 detector: $15,000. 90-day warranty.
Wallac 1205 Betaplate- 6 detectors: $17,000. 90-day warranty.
Wallac 1450 Trilux Microbeta- 6 detectors: $19,000. 90-day warranty.
Wallac 1450 Trilux Microbeta- 12 detectors: $28,000. 90-day warranty.
Zeiss LSM 510 2-photon scope w/ UV 510 Meta system; 2001/2002. Low six figures obo.
Cambridge Stereoscope S90B SEM w/ Kevex EDX: $25,000. Incl. secondary and
backscattering detectors, Polaroid system, some options, factory
installation. Working now. Service contracts available.
Meridian ACAS 570 Interactive Laser Cytometer: $60,000. 1990 model;
was working when deinstalled. Coherent Innova 90 laser and controller,
Olympus IM-2 inverted microscope.
Meridian ACAS 570C LSCM, good condition, $70,000.
Cambridge Stereoscope S90B SEM w/ Kevex EDX: $10,000. Incl. secondary and
backscattering detectors, Polaroid system, some options. Working now.
Zeiss Plan-Neofluar objective: $3,500. Oil 40x, used only 3 times.
Various other (AFM) Atomic Force Microscopes: Veeco, Digital Instruments,
Park Scientific, Topometrix, etc. Call or email for list.
Various (SEM) Scanning Electron Microscopes,: $9,500-$375,000. Call or
email for list.
Various (TEM) Transmission Electron Microscopes, call or email for list.
Various surgical, neuro surgical microscopes, call or email for list.
Various optical microscopes, call or email for list.
Various Leitz, Zeiss, Olympus, Nikon objectives; call or email for list.
PE 9600 thermalcyclers: $3,750. w/ 90-day warranty.
PE 9800 thermalcyclers: $5,900. New in original boxes. 90-day warranty.
PE 9700 96-well thermalcyclers: aluminum block $4,500, gold block $5.800. 90-day warranty.
PE 9700 384-well thermalcyclers: $5,450. 90-day warranty.
PE 9700 with dual 384-well blocks: $8,000. 90-day warranty.
MJ Research Tetrad Thermal Cycler PTC-225, 96 or 384 well blocks, w/ gradient: $15,000.
Stratagene Robocycler, minimally used: $3,500
*Truly miscellaneous:
Qiagen/Gentra Autopure: call for details.
Discovery SpeedVac: $28,000. Up to 120 microtitre plates.
RTS Life Sciences Automated Sample Store: climate-controlled sample
storage and handling for hundreds of thousands of samples. $500,000.
Tecan Genesis FE-500 Pre-Analytical Automation Workstation (2002): $230,000
Jones Chromatography Flashmaster II: $10,000. 2001; little use; good condition.
Bruker/Enraf Nonius XR-590 X-Ray Defractometer, good working order,
inexpensive. Call/email if interested.
MicroCT II in vivo small animal X-Ray CT Scanner, $125,000.
From IMTEK (now Siemens).
Agilent Bioanalyzer 2100: $12,500. Rebuilt/warranteed.
Luminex 100: $20,000. Excellent condition.
PixCell® IIe Laser Capture Microdissection (LCM) System:
$40,000 installed to specs.
Wallac 1420 Victor 2 multilabel, multitask plate reader $21,500.00
MD Acquest 1536-well ultra-HT plate reader: $25,000 obo. Good condition.
Spectramax Gemini XS Microplate Reader, $16,000. Waranteed.
Wallac 1234 Delfia Fluorometer: $7500; warranteed.
Biacore 3000: $95,000. Good working order.
Biacore 2000: $70,000 guaranteed good working order.
Biacore X: $25,000. Guaranteed good working order.
Biacore 1000: for parts. Call if interested.
Biacore Q: $117,000, good working order.
Biacore probe: $29,000. Good working order.
Ventana Discovery: $70,000. Refurbed/warranteed.
Thermo-Finnigan Discovery Speedvac: $47,500. 3 rotors included..
Zinsser Analytic Calli sample management system: $60,000. Balance not
Spark Holland Prospekt 2 ACE Model 725 and HPD model 730: $45,000.
HP 5890 Series II GC: $7,500. FID, HPIB, Chemstn, no computer. 90-day warranty.
Perkin Elmer/Wallac ViewLux HTS Microplate Imager: $250,000. Was $450K new.
Argonaut Nautilus 2400. solid phase organic synthesizer: $50,000. Good
working order.
Thermo Kevex Omicron XRF: $45,750. Excellent condition. Includes
Ventana Discovery Hybridaztion System: advanced slide staining platform for
target and compound drug discovery. Details at http://www.ventanadiscovery.com.
Call/email to discuss price, config.
Molecular Devices/LJL Biosystems Criterion Analyst HT System: $55,000.
(was $100K new).
Perkin Elmer 1010M Micro Densitometer: was: $325,000. new. Now in Japan. Call if interested.
Accutag Radio Frequency Reader/10k Automated Microreactor Sorting System,: $80,000.
Leybold IQ 200. Residual Gas Analyzer: $9,500. 30-day Warranty.
SRS Residual Gas Analyzer 200: $5,900. 30-day Warranty.
PE 240 C Combustion Analysis analyser, many spare parts. Offer encouraged.
New Brunswick MicroFerm fermentor (MF-114): $8,000. 14 liter, with agitation.
Process Engineers 29 liter mammalian cell bioreactor, new/unused, ~$35,000. or best offer.
(other bioreactors/fermenters available; inquire if interested.)
Re: б/у Хроматографы HP-LC
Upstream писал(а):Информация к размышлению из первых рук: это HPLC раздел рассылки месячной давности (оставшуюся часть списка присоединяю ниже):
---------- Пересылаемое письмо ----------
От: Grizzly Analytical <grizzly@calis.com>
Время создания: Fri, 23 Jan 2009 16:19:41 -0700
Тема: Seqs, synths, mass specs, MALDIs available
Agilent 1100 Series Nanoflow LC System for MS G2229A: $39,800
Agilent 1090M: $1000. Good working order.
Agilent 1100 G1364B fraction collector prep scale: $12,700
Agilent 1100 G1382A capillary pump: $15,600
Agilent 1100 Series G1315C diode-array detector SL: $12,200
Agilent 1100 Series G1364D micro fraction collector: $12,700
Agilent 1100 thermostatted micro well-plate sampler G1378A: $14,800
Agilent 1100 thermostatted micro autosampler G1387A: $14,800.00
Какие-то жулеГи, посмотрел на счете, у нас было меньше за новые прибамбасы. Да и 1100 очень быстро сняли с производства из-за множества огрех. УПС, продавец с одним телефоном находится в разных штатах одновременно.

Re: б/у Хроматографы HP-LC
Если у вас много денег, то можно покупать из этого списка... 

Re: б/у Хроматографы HP-LC
Могу предложить б/у изократичесую или градиентную систему от Gilson. В Москве. Цена в зависимости от комплектации. В принципе, можно под заказ подобрать и препаративную систему, хотя это сложнее. Подробности в личку. Да, кстати, брать Перкин-Эльмер не советую, поимеете много геморроя. Для аналитики я бы брал Waters или Agilent, если деньги позволяют. Если денег мало - то Gilson - хороший вариант. Можете купить один насос для аналитики, потом поменять головку и получить уже препаративный насос. Разница в цене головок не очень большая, точно не в два раза.
Что касается Стаера от Аквилон - подумайте, нужен ли Вам отечественный конструктор из американских и прочих модулей ?
Идея купить препаративный насос и давить через преп.колонку - это из области фантазий. Нет смысла использовать такую систему без детектора, и желательно, коллектора. Кроме того, цена преп. колонки обычно неприятно удивляет, а угробить ее - раз плюнуть.
Есть неплохие варианты систем среднего давления, с колонками аксиального сжатия - силикагель набивать будете сами, но разрешение не такое высокое, как в ВЭЖХ. Что же касается количества вещества, которое можно поделить на ВЭЖХ системе - то это очень индивидуально. На колонне 50*300 мм можно поделить и 10 г, и НЕ поделить 1 г. Но в любом случае расход растворителя ВЭЖХ качества будет 5-7 литров, а может и больше. ЭТо тоже надо учитывать.
Что касается Стаера от Аквилон - подумайте, нужен ли Вам отечественный конструктор из американских и прочих модулей ?
Идея купить препаративный насос и давить через преп.колонку - это из области фантазий. Нет смысла использовать такую систему без детектора, и желательно, коллектора. Кроме того, цена преп. колонки обычно неприятно удивляет, а угробить ее - раз плюнуть.
Есть неплохие варианты систем среднего давления, с колонками аксиального сжатия - силикагель набивать будете сами, но разрешение не такое высокое, как в ВЭЖХ. Что же касается количества вещества, которое можно поделить на ВЭЖХ системе - то это очень индивидуально. На колонне 50*300 мм можно поделить и 10 г, и НЕ поделить 1 г. Но в любом случае расход растворителя ВЭЖХ качества будет 5-7 литров, а может и больше. ЭТо тоже надо учитывать.
Re: б/у Хроматографы HP-LC
Gilson брать не советую - качество так себе и работает на них мало кто, не считая институтов бывшего СССР, куда по непонятно-понятным причинам покупались практически только Gilson'ы. Хотя и у них были неплохие разработки, например, sample manager.
Re: б/у Хроматографы HP-LC
Просто интересно - что в Gilson такого плохого. Надежная и недорогая рабочая лошадка.
В мире на них работают, конечно, не так много , как на Waters/Agilent, но работают. Запчасти дешевые. Конструкция модульная, хочешь головку на 5 мл/мин поставь, хочешь на 100. Что действительно плохо, управляющая программа очень дорогая. Но если ее не брать, градиентный хроматограф б/у вполне можно вписать в $10K в Москве.
В СССР их поставляли очень много, так как цена на них была очень привлекательная. А автосемплеры типа 215 вообще очень хороши.
В мире на них работают, конечно, не так много , как на Waters/Agilent, но работают. Запчасти дешевые. Конструкция модульная, хочешь головку на 5 мл/мин поставь, хочешь на 100. Что действительно плохо, управляющая программа очень дорогая. Но если ее не брать, градиентный хроматограф б/у вполне можно вписать в $10K в Москве.
В СССР их поставляли очень много, так как цена на них была очень привлекательная. А автосемплеры типа 215 вообще очень хороши.
Re: б/у Хроматографы HP-LC
Sample manager действительно очень хорош, только места занимает немеряно. Вот хочу его уже год как продать (по причине отсутствия для него места в лабе), но никому он здесь (в Москве, России), по-видимому, не нужен...
По поводу Gilson в СССР мне казалось, что помимо цены была личная заинтересованность руководителей соответствующих закупочных структур, поскольку в этой ценовой нише работают много компаний, выпускающих HPLC машины.
Может быть вы уже привыкли к Gilson'у и не замечаете его недостатков? Мне по душе Waters. Купил его за 5k$ (нужно знать где и как) и уже 10 лет работает практически без проблем (один раз менялась прокладка у ротора инжектора и заменили мнифолд кранов создания градиента на низком давлении - если брать все от поизводителя, то стоит $700, а я брал не там и все обошлось $250)
Еще чем пользуемся - Agilent 1100 - он очень хорош, но дорогущий даже б/у. 

По поводу Gilson в СССР мне казалось, что помимо цены была личная заинтересованность руководителей соответствующих закупочных структур, поскольку в этой ценовой нише работают много компаний, выпускающих HPLC машины.
Может быть вы уже привыкли к Gilson'у и не замечаете его недостатков? Мне по душе Waters. Купил его за 5k$ (нужно знать где и как) и уже 10 лет работает практически без проблем (один раз менялась прокладка у ротора инжектора и заменили мнифолд кранов создания градиента на низком давлении - если брать все от поизводителя, то стоит $700, а я брал не там и все обошлось $250)

Re: б/у Хроматографы HP-LC
Ну не будем меряться приборами.
Скажу только, что мой градиентный Gilson стоил еще дешевле, а теперь я к нему докупил Waters DAD 994 и собираюсь прикупить ELSD. Да, он не микроколоночный, у него нет интегрированного управления с компьютера, а все остальное вполне на уровне. Поэтому, мне и интересно, чего я систематически такого плохого не замечаю. Продать 215 не просто, сочувствую. Кстати, нет ли у Вас к нему UniPoint?
Ничего не имею против Waters, но насосы их мне не нравятся, а вот детекторы -супер. Из старых 481 особенно хорош, 994,996,401. Про сэмплеры не знаю, 715 был с пневматикой, я такого опасаюсь. С PE повозился немного - мне хватило. Не хочу. Shimadzu - сам никогда не работал, но по-моему стоят они недешево.
Были бы деньги, повторяю, может быть купил бы сейчас на аналитику Agilent. Но их как не было, так и нет. Возможно, на мой выбор повлиял человек 20 лет работающий на Gilson. Я попробовал у него поработать, и мне понравилось. Потом я шел от препаративной системы к аналитической, а здесь у Gilson мало конкурентов. Knauer раз в 5 дороже.
В СССР проблема была немного другого толка -Франция была дружественной капиталистической страной, а вот Америка и Япония - увы. Кроме того, мне говорили, что цены для СССР были чуть ли не в два раза ниже мировых. Еще мы очень дружили с LKB-Pharmacia (Швеция), но это уже совсем другая история.

Ничего не имею против Waters, но насосы их мне не нравятся, а вот детекторы -супер. Из старых 481 особенно хорош, 994,996,401. Про сэмплеры не знаю, 715 был с пневматикой, я такого опасаюсь. С PE повозился немного - мне хватило. Не хочу. Shimadzu - сам никогда не работал, но по-моему стоят они недешево.
Были бы деньги, повторяю, может быть купил бы сейчас на аналитику Agilent. Но их как не было, так и нет. Возможно, на мой выбор повлиял человек 20 лет работающий на Gilson. Я попробовал у него поработать, и мне понравилось. Потом я шел от препаративной системы к аналитической, а здесь у Gilson мало конкурентов. Knauer раз в 5 дороже.
В СССР проблема была немного другого толка -Франция была дружественной капиталистической страной, а вот Америка и Япония - увы. Кроме того, мне говорили, что цены для СССР были чуть ли не в два раза ниже мировых. Еще мы очень дружили с LKB-Pharmacia (Швеция), но это уже совсем другая история.
Re: б/у Хроматографы HP-LC
Дело в том, что хроматографы Gilson я видел многократно, но только что называется издалека - сам на них не работал. Слышал только отзывы и то на старые модели. Может быть он в работе и ничего, хотя вы сами говорите, что детекторы не очень. Я не знаю что такое UniPoint - это софт? Этот 215 пришел к нам с б/у MSD от Agilent, а затем к нему докупили 1100 с аутосамплером. Поэтому 215 теперь не нужен, да впрочем, если был бы нужен, то ставить его некуда. Поскольку сбагрить его нельзя, то пусть стоит мертвым грузом - может когда и пригодится. Может быть прийдется продавать и аутосамплер Waters 717+. Сначала все кричали, что он очень нужен, а когда взяли 1100 с аутосамплером, то вроде уже и не нужен. Это кстати пример риска покупки б/у прибора. Купили его, а у него неисправен transducer. Если покупать новый transducer, то стоит ок. 1k$, ну взяли за 200$, но уже пол-года приятель шлет его из Штатов.
На самом деле действительно все зависит от привязанности. Вот мы купили первый HPLC Waters 600 потому, что он был аналитико-полупрепаративный и по соотношению всех параметров лучший среди других. Теперь мы его знаем как свои пять пальцев - как обойти ключи у софта, какую карту для компа купить и пр. пр. пр. Потом купили второй Waters 600 для надежной работы - были ситуации когда нужно работать двоим одновременно или проблемы с колонкой и соединениями. Но аналитика на нем плохая. Не то что плохая с точки зрения синтетика-органика. Для этих целей его более чем хватает. Но вот сделать приличную аналитическую методику на нем сложно, хотя нам и приходилось делать - еле сдали заказчику.
А какой ELSD детектор собираетесь брать - PL? Мы недавно взяли PL-ELS 1000, но пока не запускали - других дел хватает. Говорят, что 2100 значительно лучше, но и дороже. Про Scedex ничего не скажу - не знаю что за зверь, хотя продается довольно дешево. Б/у ELSD от Waters и Agilent видел, но стоят они очень дорого.
Кстати, б/у HPLC от Shimadzu стоят не очень дорого - дешевле, чем Waters и на уровне Gilson/Rainin. Но я ничего не знаю про стоимость/доступность софта. Было бы интересно узнать, поскольку мы прикупили пару насосов и контроллер и использовали их в качестве дозировочных насосов для оптимизации условий реакции. Сейчас стоят пылятся, а детектор к ним и прочее докупить не очень дорого. Но вот софт и плата для компа нужна-ли??
На самом деле действительно все зависит от привязанности. Вот мы купили первый HPLC Waters 600 потому, что он был аналитико-полупрепаративный и по соотношению всех параметров лучший среди других. Теперь мы его знаем как свои пять пальцев - как обойти ключи у софта, какую карту для компа купить и пр. пр. пр. Потом купили второй Waters 600 для надежной работы - были ситуации когда нужно работать двоим одновременно или проблемы с колонкой и соединениями. Но аналитика на нем плохая. Не то что плохая с точки зрения синтетика-органика. Для этих целей его более чем хватает. Но вот сделать приличную аналитическую методику на нем сложно, хотя нам и приходилось делать - еле сдали заказчику.
А какой ELSD детектор собираетесь брать - PL? Мы недавно взяли PL-ELS 1000, но пока не запускали - других дел хватает. Говорят, что 2100 значительно лучше, но и дороже. Про Scedex ничего не скажу - не знаю что за зверь, хотя продается довольно дешево. Б/у ELSD от Waters и Agilent видел, но стоят они очень дорого.
Кстати, б/у HPLC от Shimadzu стоят не очень дорого - дешевле, чем Waters и на уровне Gilson/Rainin. Но я ничего не знаю про стоимость/доступность софта. Было бы интересно узнать, поскольку мы прикупили пару насосов и контроллер и использовали их в качестве дозировочных насосов для оптимизации условий реакции. Сейчас стоят пылятся, а детектор к ним и прочее докупить не очень дорого. Но вот софт и плата для компа нужна-ли??
Re: б/у Хроматографы HP-LC
Вы мне льстите - на PL у меня нет денег. Нет, возьму старый Sedex 55 (он же продавался Аквилоном за нереальные бабки как собственный детектор ), он существенно дешевле. Поскольку покупка приборов , в основном, происходит на собственные деньги, особенно не разбежишься. UniPoint - джилсоновский софт для управления HPLC. Поскольку все мои задачи связаны с обслуживанием синтеза нет смысла в очень навороченных, чувствительных или крутых приборах.
Хотя коллега на Джилсоне делает фармастатьи и практически все типы анализов, включая фармакокинетику.
Про Шимадзу ничего не скажу - не работал, только видел. Я для себя сразу решил, что прибор доджен быть модульный - хочешь преп, хочешь - аналитика, а Шимадзу не совсем в этом смысле удовлетворяет.
Хотя коллега на Джилсоне делает фармастатьи и практически все типы анализов, включая фармакокинетику.
Про Шимадзу ничего не скажу - не работал, только видел. Я для себя сразу решил, что прибор доджен быть модульный - хочешь преп, хочешь - аналитика, а Шимадзу не совсем в этом смысле удовлетворяет.
Re: б/у Хроматографы HP-LC
Но PL не слишком дорогой. Легко купить за $800-1200 + доставка. Мы свой взяли за $450 + доставка.
Re: б/у Хроматографы HP-LC
Я, к сожалению, таких цен не видел. В среднем, предлагают от 2500, совсем старые модели от 1300. Видимо плохо или не там искал....
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